Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Remember to Pray

Today I am reminded that we need to keep our new president in our prayers. I did not vote for President Obama. I disagree strongly with many of his positions. I think we might see some major attacks on things we hold dear in our family. Still the Lord is the one that directs the heart of the ruler of our nation. God is our King and He is still on the thrown. He directs us in His Word to pray for those in authority over us. So I pray that the Lord would touch President Obama's heart. That he would become a man of honor and a true statesman. Hey, if the God of heaven can create this world out of nothing in six days, become incarnate, and save sinners (and those are just a few of the biggies), He can do anything. Let us put our faith in the Sovereign God that never waivers instead of being afraid of a man that is only president for 4 years, 8 on the outside.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I join you in prayer and agree with you that God is still in control.

Praise His Holy Name!

The King of Kings-Jesus-will always be in control no matter how man shakes his fist at Him. Almighty God's plan shall not be thwarted and shall come to fruition--In spite of man's silly attempts to control the universe :)
For who is man that God should be mindful of him?

Love you,