Monday, September 29, 2008

And they remembered the camera!

Pix from TODR taking C.J. and T.M. out hiking behind our house. We might only own 1/2 an acre, but we have National Forest behind us. So it seems like we have hundreds of acres:)


Rebecca said...

Awesome pictures. I have never been up behind your house. We should take a hike someday. I'll bring my .22 if you'll bring your gun. What a sight...almost as funny as us doing a duet. Have a great day, My Friend.

Heath Clan said...

Yeah, I will pack T.J. in the backpack while you waddle behind with Pat/Max/StrawberryPatch! Maybe we should just borrow a couple of pistols though:)

Rebecca said...

Hey now...I'm not waddling yet! Or am I and just don't know it?

Heath Clan said...

No, I just figured by the time we got our act together and got out hiking it might be Feb. I know you will be waddling by then! But in a good way.

Rebecca said...

Just leaving a comment to see if my picture shows up. It's a terrible looks like I am missing a front tooth. I might have to find another one.