Thursday, December 06, 2007

I really don't wanna...

I think most of us don't want to suffer. I will admit that I don't want to sign up for that one. I am getting closer to our due date and it causes me to think of pain and suffering. We receive the Desiring God e-mail. Today's was about suffering. It is the second time I have seen an article about the same passage recently. I don't know what God is saying. I do know that looking back over my life that all the suffering that I have seen (in a limited scope compared to others) has drawn me closer to the Lord.

I know, just like in childbirth, that suffering is no fun while it endures. I also know that when I hold that precious child in my arms that they are worth it. So it makes me wonder why the idea of suffering makes me fear so much. I know that Jesus will hold me in His arms and it will be worth it. See what happens when I am nine months pregnant? I remember my dreams and I get very deep.

Well, those are my deep thoughts for today. Maybe I should see about embedding a poll on my sidebar. I could see what we should name our new baby. I know some one rooting for Tebecca. Weird!


Heath Clan said...

Oops! I didn't get that link right.

Karen said...

I receive the DG posts, too, and the suffering one was SO good. I forwarded it to Erik. Wow.

I think you should put a poll up. That would be fun. Not much time left!!

Rebecca said...

Weird??? I wonder who that might be? Anyone I know?